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5 tips on how to take awesome reflection photos
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You just bought a camera and started off as a "photographer" but all your photos look a little bold. I understand we've all been there. When I started my journey as photographer I had no idea how to take nice photos. I just bought a camera and started taking random photos. I don't consider myself as a professional-level photographer but I've taken enough photos to share a thing or two with you. One of the easy way to get rid of that boring look of your images is the use of reflections. It's a way you make your images more unique and send out more complex emotions.
So on your next photo journey look for reflection points such as rivers, lakes or even a puddle. Also, keep in mind that you don't only get reflection from water but also from glass, hood of a car, window, your friends sunglasses and more. Be creative. Your options are endless.
Use Wide-Angle Lens
It is important that you use wide angle lens to give the image more depth. Reflection photos generally involve landscape photos you want to have even area of focus instead of focusing on a one or few points. Therefore it is more optimal to wide angle lens that gives more depth in the overall image. Of course, you shouldn't limit yourself to just using wide-angle lenses. Be creative with it!
Reflection photos are usually taken at a lake or a pond to get that nice reflection off of that steady water. When taking reflection photos at a lake or pond, make sure you pick a less windy day so you get very clear reflection without ripples. One other best day to take reflection photos are during or after a rainy day. Go out after a rainy day and look for those puddles and practice those amazing shots!
Get Low
If you want the entire reflection to show on your image get as low as possible where you're almost touching the water. Get very low and look for that perfect split between the reflection and the object. You can hang your tripod upside down to get low enough. If you have a camera with swivel LCD screen it makes it easier without having to hang your camera upside down.
Utilize Shutter Speed
There are two ways you can set your shutter speed when taking reflection photos - obviously, fast and slow. If you want to have your object reflected on a calm and steady water, use a fast shutter speed. You'll make your image look like the time is frozen. But it will result in reflection coming out darker so you'll need to adjust your ISO to balance. On the other hand, if it's windy and water isn't steady, use shutter speed longer than a second to smooth out the ripple and you can have something more special than usual.
Utilize different objects
Step outside of the box and be creative. Most people will go to a pond or a lake to capture that amazing shot. But there are many things around your that will create that stunning reflection. For example, check out this glass ball. Something as simple as this created an awesome looking image. If you don't have a cool looking glass ball like this one, there are many things in life you can use. Your phone, window, your car, friend's glasses, mirror (duh). If you try to look for it, you'll see one easily. Be creative!
호주 하면 소고기, 소고기 하면 호주, 호주 청정우 떠오르지 않나요? 그렇다면 호주 아웃백에서 자란 소고기 맛 한번 봐야죠? 오늘 포스팅은 시드니 스테이크 맛집을 정리 해봤습니다. 소고기는 돼지고기, 닭고기, 양고기 등 다양한 고기 중에서도 왕중의 왕, 킹왕짱이라고 봐도 될까요? 소고기의 육질, 육즙, 마블링 등등 소고기의 맛을 결정하는 요소들은 다른 고기에선 찾아볼 수 없는 맛이죠. 하지만, 소고기 스테이크라고 다 맛있는 건 아니죠? 스테이크는 돈은 돈대로 주고 맛이 없으면 그만큼 실망 스러울수가 없습니다. 특별한날, 기념일, 데이트 혹은 그냥 스테이크 먹으러 가기 좋은 맛집 시드니에서 찾고 있었다면, 주머니 사정도 나쁘지 않다면 여기 선정한 맛집 8 군데를 참고해 보세요. 출처 제대로된 호주 청정우 소고기 맛 확인하세요! 1. Rockpool Bar & Grill (락풀 바 & 그릴) 출처 락풀 바 앤 그릴 은 수요미식회 호주편에 나와서 조금 유명 하죠? 이 곳은 호주에서 가장 아름다운 식당으로도 유명 하고요. 시드니 시내 한 가운데에 위치해 있어요. 소고기를 직접 농장에서 받아와 식당에서 숙성을 시켜서 고기의 품질을 책임 지지요. 닐 페리 (Neil Perry)라는 세계적인 셰프의 지휘 아래 고기 손질 및 요리가 진행이 되며 스테이크는 물론 모든 사이드 요리 까지 그냥 지나칠 수 없습니다. 가격은 좀 센편이지만 그 훌륭한 음식 맛으로 다 커버 될 정도라 합니다. 출처 이곳의 대표 스테이크는 "Cape Grim Dry aged 36 Month Old Grass Fed Rib Eye" 인데요. 이름이 좀 깁니다. 36개월 드라이 에이징 숙성된 목초급여쇠고기 립아이 입니다. 가격은 호주 달러 $65. 위치: 구글 지도 2. The Cut Bar & Grill (더 컷 바 앤 그릴) 출처 더 컷 바 앤 그릴 은 The Rocks에...
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